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In his home of dead R'lyeh, Cthulhu dreams and waits.
The Cthulhu myth is undoubtedly one of the most popular and complex myths of the 20th century. Born in the 1920s from the imagination of American novelist H.P. Lovecraft, it quickly became famous for its stories, some of which have been adapted for the cinema.

Who is Cthulhu, the giant tentacled monster created by Lovecraft? Let's find out. We will also ask ourselves the question: "Why is Cthulhu so popular?"

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Stargate SG1 succeeded in making space science fiction popular, where the only known series was Star Trek, which suffers from a bad reputation for kitsch in France. For a time, it aroused great enthusiasm among many fans. An enthusiasm that continues to this day. 

In this blog article, we will delve into the question: Why is Stargate so popular?

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For several years now, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's unique style has been shaping our screens in the form of a grandfather and grandson traveling through a multiverse of realities, each more absurd than the last. Rick and Morty has become a staple of geek culture. Discover 13 good reasons to (re)immerse yourself in the series!

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"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." This cardboard, known to all, entered the legend thirty-eight years ago, in 1977, with the release of what will become one of the cornerstones of science fiction cinema, or even cinema in general: Star Wars.

Yet the Star Wars franchise, like its creator, has often been the subject of controversy. The sale of Lucasfilm to Walt Disney in October 2012 is one of the best examples of this...

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Welcome to the world of paranormal research, where the truth is often stranger than fiction!

In recent years, a number of videos have surfaced that show beings that resemble reptilians and other alien creatures caught live. These sightings have led to a flurry of speculation about what these beings might be and where they come from. Some people believe that they are extraterrestrial in origin, while others believe that they are interdimensional beings that exist outside our realm of understanding. 

We found many videos depicting very strange creatures, some of them reptilians, other alien-like. So sit back, get your favourite tea or coffee, and enjoy our "Reptilians and Alien beings caught live" article!

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